HPP Chivor 1000 MW - Colombia

AES Gener Colombia
Website: https://www.aesandes.com/es
Time Frame
2020 – 2021

- Quantitative analysis (Stochastic Modeling) of the techno-financial risks “Execution of Phase II Alternatives, CH Chivor II”.
- Definition of the techno-financial risk profile to allow decision making by AES senior management.
- Quantitative risk analysis of the new intake component of the reservoir.
- Technical-financial review, including geological framework, engineering studies, project design analysis, civil works, etc.
- Determination of the Project Risk Profile using a probabilistic method.
Technical Details

- Installed capacity: 1000 MW
- Plant type: Plant with daily regulation
- Head: 803m
- Turbine type: Pelton
- Subterranean work – tunnel length: 5.83 km
- Powerhouse: Cavern