HPP Nam Emoun 130 MW – Laos

HPP Nam Emoun 130 MW - Laos



Chaleun Sekong Group Co. Ltd., Laos

Website: https://csenergy.la/?lang=en



Time Frame

2018 – ongoing


The Nam – Emoun Hydropower Project is owned by Chaleun Sekong Energy Co., Ltd, based in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, with an investment of USD $235 Million. Located at the Nam E-moun and Hoyay Het rivers in Sekong Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the project boasts an installed capacity of 133 MW, generating an average annual energy output of 431.8 GWh.

Key structures of the project include a Diversion Dam, Main Dam, and Waterway featuring a tunnel approximately 20 km long, Powerhouse, Switchyard, etc. Construction commenced in 2019 and the project is now operational, having been completed in a remarkably short time frame.

The Nam E-moun Hydropower Project is recognized as a significant socio-economic venture, aiming to develop a clean, renewable, and environmentally friendly project. It contributes to poverty reduction for the local population, marking a significant step towards sustainable development.


  • Redesign of the project concept and operation optimization
  • Technical Specifications for Electromechanical Equipment and Civil works.
  • Construction Supervision.
  • Determination of the tunnel design and support measures.
  • Tender Support.
  • Due Dilligence on the review of technical documents of work and evaluation of the risk analysis for the construction of the 22km tunnel.
  • Risk analysis of the construction based on Monte Carlo.

Technical Details

  • Installed capacity: 130 MW
  • Plant type: Pure run-of-river type plant
  • Head: 400m
  • Turbine type: Pelton
  • Subterranean work – tunnel length: 20km
  • Powerhouse: Open air